View Profile Snipper64

142 Movie Reviews

56 w/ Responses

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Nice bro!

Best yet! I wish you told me ahead of time this was comming XD Your best work yet!

Dude, keep up the good work, you are getting much better each animation, before long you could rival up againts mindchamber himself (Hopefully ;p )

~Soul, Peace 'N' Chicken Grease~


" I fought a war for you.... or againts you.... I don't remember...."


was that a metapod?


Wow... this must be one of the funniest animations I have ever seen... I had to watch it three times for it to sink in... I still can't believe how funny it is... I grew up with that game...


P.S. Keep up the good work... I know you used most of the quotes, but I would love to see a sequel! Perhaps andross can make a apperance?

Also a major kudos for replying to everyone.... Really... this is... awsome...

PuffballsUnited responds:

A sequel... Probably not. I'm kinda tired of staring at Fox's face :P

Also, I reply to everyone that I see deserves a reply, which is most people in this case :)

Good job!

Good work, love it!

Also as for the guy who reviewed below me, they hasen't been a draft for a while! He is not really going to army (Unless he signed up for it) and will keep animating!


Normaly my reviews would go into detail... but all I can utter is "WTF did I just watch?"

Good effert art wise put into that.. I guess...


Origanal... not more to say...

It almost put to to sleep at first, but thats a good thing! Nice music, BUT... it had traces of static in it, like recording over a microphone static... I could be just from it being finalized, or just a mistake, but just thought I would point it out.

studio-nightbird responds:

I had to make a painful derision and deiced to make the file size big (keeping the sound quality at its best) or make the size a fare amount. So The quality of the sound was taken slightly away.

thanks for the comment and glad you enjoyed it

Nice job

I am impressed by your work so far, keep it up. a MAJOR Kudos for replying to everyone also XD

It's sorta random, but perhaps you should make a small flash game that is a shooter/brawler using all of your tranformers, and other charectors in other movies. SOrta like the new grounds rumble game. I know it is hard to code, but if you find yourself a decent coder, you could have a fun little game,

Kudos, XD

Battosai810 responds:

Hey, glad you liked it :) I make a point to reply to every review; people really notice, as you can see :)

I'd love to make a game like that but I don't have much programming knowledge :(


normaly I would vote badly because you cheated animating a box only through th intire animation, but between the loader, and the humor all through, and the crab battle refreance, I give you a 10/10. Great job!

Frount page!


Alot of junk, but man that Tom Fulp Part was completely epic, bravo to who ever made that, best dawn fulp I ever seen!

Sometimes... I dream about cheese...

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