I don't remember if I ever giving you a 10 before, maybe 7's through 9's. How ever this one gets a perfect ten because most of all, it made me laugh. That's why I give tens :P
I don't remember if I ever giving you a 10 before, maybe 7's through 9's. How ever this one gets a perfect ten because most of all, it made me laugh. That's why I give tens :P
Before I read the description, I admit I was thinking "why is she holding weird phone?"... lol I may not know what a Ruyi is, but hay at least it's not a phone :P
one of my fav. of your art as well while everything seems to be drawn in less detail, it does give it a major old fasion japan feel I love. the cheap clouds, simple but elegant dress just adds so much more :D
Yeah, it was somewhat inspired by the character design style from an old Anime called "Macros Plus" .
But, It was somewhat inspired by a "friend" of mine, of 1 of her art pieces.
But, I changed mine to a more Chinese "gongbi" style in the way it's presented.
In traditional Chinese art one must NEVER EVER show the woman's feet! This is totally taboo.
Altho' he hair was inspired by some HK movie... don't even remember which one it was... some old film...
The character on her head is "Wang" which means "King" just like every tiger has this word on it's forehead. Plus, it's my husband's name.
And, the shoulder peeks were inspired by some Chinese period soap opera about a princess whom went to live in Tibet. I actually never watched the show, but saw several of the commercials.
Yup, I agree with the mass that this one is better then red one. I say it because mainly red is for real hardcore romance passion, while you may view it as this, I see it more of a friendly green/blue care hug, good nature is what this is.
(I hope you don't mind me keep reviewing your work, it's just you keep adding new stuff, and unlike other artiest you actually send a well thought out reply back to us... not to mention free hugz >;3 )
P.S, could you share what the Japanese symbols in your artwork stand for? Can't be just random.
Yeah, you can respond as much as you want. I kinda wanna know what this community thinks. I notice the audience in this site is younger. In Deviant Art it's all people my age like late 20s-mid30s.
The Red stamp is a Chinese name stamp. It's my Chinese name "Ren Si Qi".
Other times I use my "Artist Name" (nomdeplume) which is "Black UniGryphon" or in the Furry Fandom it's called my "Fursona". BUt, when I translated "Griffin" into Chinese there's no word for Gryphon, most people translate griffin to "Vulture" but as a member of the Gryphon Guild, I totally take offence to that, so I translated it as "Dark/blackish 1-horned/unicorn Divine Beast" substituting "Gryphon" for "Shou" which means a kind of divine beast or animal elemental or "god" like a gargoyle or angel-beasty.
I have another stamp that has my Chinese poetic slog that says "Art Is The Color Of My Heart".
It's actually normal for artists in China to use multiple stamps, of all kinds. In 2008 I asked about this and no one could really explain why in a "logical" way because it's not based on the Greek way of "Logical" system like Western culture is. Instead it's based on Daoism, which means "The Way" and won't make sence from our framework of thinking but from theirs.
Yup... I have no idea what to say about this one...
Speaking from a complete non-perverted perspective, your angle drawings are great! The lights play with your mind, as you can just stare in total awe.
Keep up the good work, and this would count with a "mature" tag, this should not fall under adult on Newgrounds... that's reserved for alot worst...
Well, I just don't wanna get in trouble. I already had stuff deleted from my MySpace gallery for something that wasn't even suggestive, nor nude!
Puts a WHOLE NEW meaning to the phrase "gota catch them all" XD
I am also interested with the comic book in the back ground... do you have that posted anywhere online?
its one page, part of the one shot comic collab, its in the store.
Sometimes... I dream about cheese...
Age 33
Evil Mastermind
Moon Base
Joined on 5/21/08