isn't that how super mario 2 ended?
isn't that how super mario 2 ended?
meh... me and her went out for a while, but for some reason the relation ship just didn't work out...
ahhh... so thats what they mean when ever they say "it hung like a horse"
Because horses have little more use for their front legs apart from walking or galloping.
you need the one with it's eyes open
Is that doll Jerry?!
:) nop. it's Squee.
Good job mate...
... but whats up with the twin towers though?
They're just meant to be generic and very similar, just like the "awesome" faces. The left side of the picture is a bit more on the clone side while the right side stands against what's presently accepted. I would've had more generic buildings there, but I left less space than I thought.
...However I just realized how "unpratical" his leather jacket it, I mean if it's cold out or it is raining, if he (even can) zips it up, only half of his body is protected, tisk tisk oddly enough the rest of it fits him well...
Aaaaaanywaaays.... err... what was I saying?... oh right, good job.
LOL since when were anime clothes practical...if he wants to sacrifice comfort for showing off his bod I'm not going to complain. XD
He's so pale...THE SUNBURN.
Resident Evil Dog + Zergling... thats all I must say.
Sometimes... I dream about cheese...
Age 33
Evil Mastermind
Moon Base
Joined on 5/21/08